Just about every culinary culture has pancakes. You know that chain pancake place over by the highway? They claim to be 'International', but they only offer us French Toast and Belgian Waffles. What other international delights are they keeping from us?



Photo: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Stroopwafels_01.jpg

A stroopwafel is a traditional Dutch treat that consists of two thin, crisp waffles with a sweet, caramel-like syrup filling in between.

Stroopwafels are typically enjoyed with a cup of coffee or tea. A popular way to enjoy them is to place the stroopwafel on top of a hot cup, allowing the steam to soften the syrup filling slightly.

Stroopwafels are loved for their sweet, buttery flavor and the delightful contrast between the crispy waffle and the gooey filling. They can be found in various sizes, with the most common being around 10 cm (4 inches) in diameter.

Name_ Stroopwafel
Origin_ 🇳🇱 Netherlands
Morphology_ ⊞ mold
Flavor_ sweet
Filling_ caramel
Topping_ none
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