Just about every culinary culture has pancakes. You know that chain pancake place over by the highway? They claim to be 'International', but they only offer us French Toast and Belgian Waffles. What other international delights are they keeping from us?



Photo: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kaiserschmarrn#/media/File:2015_0731_Kaiserschmarrn_Apfelsoße_Edelweisshütte_Sölden.jpg

Kaiserschmarrn is a tall sweet pancake that's roughly chopped, and then served in pieces with sugar and fruit sauces. It's a comfort food favorite in Austria, Bavaria, and other parts of the former Austro-Hungarian empire.

It's served as a dessert, but also a rich brunch food in the Alpine regions.

It's attributed in various legends to the Austrian Emperor Franz Josef I, and the name devolves to 'Kaiser' and 'chopped.'

Name_ Kaiserschmarrn
Origin_ 🇦🇹 Austria
Morphology_ ☰ flat
Flavor_ sweet
Filling_ none
Topping_ sugar, fruit sauces
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