Just about every culinary culture has pancakes. You know that chain pancake place over by the highway? They claim to be 'International', but they only offer us French Toast and Belgian Waffles. What other international delights are they keeping from us?



Photo: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Frittatensuppe.jpg

A pancake.... soup? Yes.

Flädle is a classic dish found in Southern Germany (and called Frittatensuppe in Austria) that features thin strips of savory pancakes, called flädle or frittaten, served in a warm, clear broth. Broth!

The pancakes are made from a simple batter of flour, eggs, and milk, cooked into thin crepes, then rolled up and sliced into ribbons. These pancake strips are then added to a flavorful beef or vegetable broth, creating a comforting soup that’s both light and satisfying.

Name_ Flädle
Origin_ 🇩🇪 Germany
Morphology_ ☰ flat
Flavor_ savory
Filling_ none
Topping_ broth
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