Just about every culinary culture has pancakes. You know that chain pancake place over by the highway? They claim to be 'International', but they only offer us French Toast and Belgian Waffles. What other international delights are they keeping from us?



Photo: https://unsplash.com/photos/brown-bread-on-white-surface-t6xh7hskUVA

Flinsen (alternatively pflinzen) are wheat crepes, sometimes referred to in the US as 'Russian Pancakes'. They're popular among Mennonite communities in the United States. They're probably not really Russian.

These crepes are distinguished by their simplicity: Just wheat flour, eggs, and water - plussed topped only with a sprinkling of sugar.

Name_ Flinsen
Origin_ 🇷🇺 Russia
Morphology_ ⟁ Crepe
Flavor_ sweet
Filling_ none
Topping_ sugar
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